Shareholder Dispute

How to choose a shareholder dispute solicitor

Shareholders can find themselves in dispute when one wishes to exit the business, the working relationship has broken down, or because another shareholder simply isn’t pulling their weight. Here’s a common chain of events when you’re involved in a shareholder dispute. You and your fellow shareholder might have started out as friends, so you might first

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Shareholder disputes

“A person with an enterprising attitude says, ‘Find out what you can before action is taken.’ Do your homework. Do the research. Be prepared. Be resourceful. Do all you can in preparation of what’s to come”. Jim Rohn Entrepreneurs are by necessity energetic people. They strive to make things happen fast. If they have a

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Shareholder and Director Disputes – Blog 5

Book now to avoid disappointment Summit Law LLP invites you to their Shareholder Dispute Seminar at 6 PM on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 at Lincoln Inn’s prestigious Old Court Room. Please book by emailing or calling (020) 7467 3980. Tactical considerations Introduction. In last week’s blog we looked at “unfair prejudice”. This week we

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